Hey Quicken Loans: Your LowerMyBills is showing!

Quicken's LMB

Hey Quicken Loans:

Your LowerMyBills is showing!

Mortgage Originators:

Pay attention to these ads.

They’re eye-catching.

They’re clever.

They take you to gamified, multi-step lead forms.

This is what Quicken tapped into when they bought LowerMyBills.

There’s a ton of research and testing behind these types of odd (yet effective) lead gen campaigns.

I wonder if they’ll go as far as to use the banner ads with all those strange, disheveled-looking people…

Or the dancing silhouettes and aliens from LMB’s heyday.

(That’s where all those weirdos in the graphic come from, btw.)

It’s kind of bizarre, but insightful.

To summarize… these ads:

  1. Nail the targeting
  1. Demand attention with eyeball-grabbing graphics
  1. Use strong direct response copy
  1. Take you to a gamified lead form

Miss one of these pieces and your ROAS falls apart.

The beauty of it though is anyone can do this.

But obviously not everyone has the resources.


If you need help with amazing lead forms…

Or if you want someone to run the whole thing for you, talk to leadPops.

-Andrew Pawlak


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