REVEALED: LendingTree’s Lead Generation Labyrinth (Part 1 of 2)

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REVEALED: LendingTree’s Lead Generation Labyrinth (Part 1 of 2).

Wait until you see what they’re up to. 

This might just be your “Aha!” moment. 

In Part 1, we scratch the surface of their website homepage and explain the logic behind their approach.

In Part 2, we’ll explore how conversion optimization, using gamified lead forms, pervades EVERYTHING they do. 

Much like with Quicken Loans’ email marketing strategy, once you see how this works, you can’t unsee it.

Conversion optimization isn’t just for billion dollar companies. 

EVERYONE should be doing it. 

Once you understand it, you’ll find that it’s quite simple.

This is Part 1 — be on the lookout for Part 2, coming soon!

-Andrew Pawlak

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