Crazy leadPops Client Results, Starring Shashank Shekhar


I like to give credit where it’s due.

Some clients make my job easy.

Earlier this year, I had the privilege of meeting the one & only Shashank Shekhar at an event in TX.

He shared some of his inspiring story with the group…

And then dropped knowledge bombs.

It was powerful stuff.

We chatted briefly & he asked, “Well Andrew, what can you do for me?” 

I’d already geeked out on his website earlier that day.

I did a quick review of his traffic, SEO, & existing lead generation efforts…

There were several opportunities for him to get better results in terms of lead generation & ROI.

With a gleam in my eye, I turned to Shashank & replied:

“Buttons & links, my friend. Buttons & links.”

You see, Shashank was already getting some solid traffic to his website.

The problem was his lead forms were hard to find & ineffective.

An easy fix.

A few days later, the leadPops team sent over a quick outline of simple tweaks his developer could make.

The idea was to optimize the website for CONVERSION with leadPops Funnels.

We needed to DRAW IN & CONVERT the traffic he was already getting into exclusive leads.

Basically, buttons & links…

Pointing to gamified leadPops Mortgage Funnels.

And voila.

Thanks for letting me share our story, Shashank!

-Andrew Pawlak

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