Some of My Biggest Mistakes as a CEO

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Some of my biggest mistakes as a CEO have become incredibly clear to me over the last few weeks. 

In this video, I confess some things that I hope might help other CEOs, entrepreneurs, salespeople, etc. 

I’m sure there are a lot of you out there that are doing the same things I was, and making the same excuses.

Maybe this video will serve as a bit of a kick in the ass. 

Garyvee’s talk at AIME Fuse was mine. 

Bottom line: 

Get out there in front of where the eyeballs are.

Don’t hide in the shadows.

Don’t just lurk and like. 

Be yourself.


You owe it to yourself, your family, your team, your clients, your partners, and all the people that need your help. 

-Andrew Pawlak

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