Villians. Seems Like New Ones Are Popping Up All Over the Place in the Real Estate Tech Space… (Part 1 of 2)

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Seems like new ones are popping up all over the place in the real estate tech space.

You know who I’m talking about.

Your new competition.


Buy-a-House-Get-Free-Washing-Machine-On-Amazon gimmicks…

Don’t even get me started on “Zillow 2.0” 

(I really hope you’re not still giving those guys your commission checks.)

Client and friend, Troy Jones, asked me a question related to these new villains in a Facebook group we’re both in.

Here’s my video response (part 1 of 2):

Don’t mind the backwards hat and shmedium v-neck.

It was Friday afternoon and I was getting down.

“Andrew Pawlak I love leadPops! We’ve been a user with you for 2 years now and am so glad we made the switch to use you guys. One of the best business decisions I have made for my company.

“Question. Our Realtor friends’ greatest villain right now is cut rate real estate shops pushing their margins lower (like amazon’s new real Estate partnership, door, open door, Zillow, etc.).

“What would you say is the one leadPops tool that I could use to lead into a conversation with them to help them win against their Villains?”

-Troy Jones

-Andrew Pawlak


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